Global mobility professionals play a critical role in overseeing and caring for expatriates, ensuring that their journey in the United States, especially in Northern California, is both rewarding and less challenging. They understand that while the initial phase of moving abroad is exhilarating with much...

In today’s faster-paced business environment, fostering innovation within the workplace is more vital than ever. This entails not only recognizing and rewarding creative efforts from employees but also championing innovation into the company culture. To drive an innovative culture, one has to formally measure and...

People may say that the global mobility industry doesn’t need to concern itself with workplace wellness or mental health wellbeing because employers can take care of it, but the pandemic changed all that. Demand for mental health care is surging, and global mobility companies like...

A study done by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) a few years ago pointed to how 71% of female millennials want to work abroad during their career, but only 20% of the internationally mobile population are women. Since then, though, studies have proven that global mobility strategies today...

If there’s one word that a global mobility professional needs to do his or her job, it’s empathy. Their success truly hinges on their ability to work with other people they haven’t met  — the relocating hired employee or assignee that they deploy to their...

As companies around the world increasingly prioritize environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues, their global mobility programs are evolving to better align with diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I) objectives. That's according to a new benchmark survey on ESG and global mobility by AIRINC, a leading...