In the relentless quest for growth and sustainability, startup founders face the critical challenge of managing their burn rate—the rate at which they deplete their capital. With every dollar spent potentially determining their company’s fate, savvy entrepreneurs are increasingly turning to global mobility strategies as...

The allure of living abroad is stronger than ever, with millions of people each year making the leap to start fresh in a new country. The combination of remote work technologies and a reevaluation of life priorities during the COVID-19 pandemic has spurred many to...

Millions of expatriates now live and work worldwide, a number that continues to grow, especially in Northern California. As businesses expand globally, the role of expat employees becomes crucial in setting up new branches, exploring local markets, and establishing business footholds. These employees, often relocating...

The rise of international remote work presents unique challenges for US-based companies and their global mobility professionals. While remote work offers significant opportunities for talent acquisition and retention, it also introduces complex legal, tax, and operational issues. According to Worldwide ERC, US companies, like those in...

When hiring global talent, proper employee classification quickly becomes complicated. Engaging a diverse workforce of remote workers, distributed employees, and international contractors while adhering to various country laws and payroll regulations is a significant challenge.  Misclassifying an employee as a contractor can seriously violate labor laws...