
Unlocking Global Mobility Success: HR Technology Can Revolutionize Talent Management

With the rise of remote and hybrid work models, global mobility has transformed from a luxury to a necessity for many organizations. The challenge for startups and established companies now is managing the complexities of international movements while ensuring compliance and providing an excellent employee experience. Advances in HR technology should be able to offer solutions that can significantly streamline these processes, making global mobility a viable strategy for reducing burn rate and driving growth.

Companies may implement a global mobility strategy to hire international talent, respond to relocation requests, or initiate international assignments to support business expansion. However, the administrative burden and compliance risks associated with managing such a strategy can be daunting. This is where HR technology steps in, offering a streamlined approach to international recruitment, hiring, benefits administration, payroll, employee relocation, and performance management.

Streamline recruitment process with AI

A major component of global mobility is sourcing international workers, which broadens the talent pool but also increases the number of job applications. Manual resume screening can slow down recruitment and negatively impact business performance. AI tools and applicant tracking systems can automate resume sorting and pre-hire assessments, accelerating the hiring process and enhancing the candidate experience. Automation can also handle scheduling interviews and sending reminders, ensuring a smooth and efficient recruitment journey.

Historically, hiring international workers required establishing a foreign subsidiary, a costly and time-consuming process. Modern HR tech platforms, however, come equipped with employer of record (EOR) solutions that simplify international hiring. 

An EOR allows companies to hire employees anywhere in the world without setting up a legal entity, by utilizing the local foothold of the EOR provider. This accelerates the hiring process and ensures compliance with local employment laws, as seen with platforms like Deel, which manages over 20,000 employees globally through its EOR service.

Administer employee benefits

International hires or relocations necessitate updating contracts to include statutory benefits that comply with local laws. Planning and administering these benefits can be complex due to varying regulations. Global HR software can manage these benefits from a single platform, offering self-service options that enable employees to select appropriate benefits and perks, which HR professionals can then easily approve, expense, and reimburse.

Run a global payroll system

Global payroll management is fraught with challenges such as high bank fees, fluctuating exchange rates, and tax compliance issues. An integrated HR platform with payroll capabilities can automate payments across multiple currencies, reduce transaction costs, and ensure tax compliance through automated calculations. This not only simplifies payroll management but also improves the employee experience by providing timely and accurate payments.

Provide visa and immigration support

One of the biggest hurdles in global mobility is obtaining the necessary documentation for employees to legally work in another country. Visa application processes are often cumbersome and time-consuming. HR tech platforms with built-in visa and immigration support can streamline this process, handling everything from eligibility assessment to document collection and application submission. This ensures compliance and saves valuable time for both HR teams and employees.

Manage relocation expenses

Company-led relocations can incur significant costs, including travel, accommodation, and compensation adjustments. Manually tracking these expenses can be inefficient. HR management software allows companies to manage all relocation-related expenses in one place, providing complete visibility and improving process efficiency.

Train and develop talent

Providing training and development opportunities is crucial for a successful global mobility program. With 92% of professionals valuing professional development, HR software with learning management features can offer remote and globally dispersed teams access to training materials. This enhances employee engagement and supports talent acquisition and retention strategies by fostering continuous learning and development.

Track team performance

Evaluating the performance of a global team requires access to real-time data and performance metrics. HR technology can provide this through talent management solutions that track performance metrics and display real-time data on dashboards. This enables managers to identify patterns, address issues promptly, and ensure maximum efficiency among their global workforce.

Understand remote and hybrid work models

Remote work allows employees to work entirely from locations outside a traditional office, offering maximum flexibility and cost savings on office expenses. However, it requires robust systems for consistent communication and productivity. Hybrid work combines in-office and remote work, balancing face-to-face interactions with the cost benefits of reduced physical office requirements. Both models require ensuring employees have adequate living and working environments, whether through reliable internet, comfortable workspaces, or seamless transitions between home and office.


A global mobility strategy, supported by advanced HR technology, offers startup founders a powerful tool to reduce burn rate and enhance their company’s resilience and adaptability. By embracing remote and hybrid work models, optimizing talent acquisition, leveraging government incentives, and streamlining operations, startups can achieve significant cost savings while maintaining high levels of productivity and innovation. Ensuring that remote and hybrid workers have comfortable and well-equipped living spaces further supports this strategic approach, positioning startups for long-term success in an increasingly competitive global market.