AI is revolutionizing talent recruitment and retention in the modern workplace for HR and global mobility professionals. According to a report by Deloitte, over 80% of companies are currently using AI in some form for HR purposes, and this number is only expected to grow. One...

As the modern workforce evolves, the issue of employee burnout is becoming increasingly prevalent. In fact, a 2021 report by the World Health Organization declared burnout as an official medical diagnosis. To address this growing concern, companies are turning to technology, particularly artificial intelligence (AI),...

The world of work is rapidly changing, with the rise of automation and artificial intelligence (AI) transforming the way we work. To better understand this evolving landscape, the World Economic Forum (WEF), Deloitte, and McKinsey have all produced studies on the future of work. While...

There’s no denying that work has evolved drastically since COVID-19 arrived at our doorsteps. One clear change businesses witnessed is the abrupt shift to remote or hybrid work in order to achieve business continuity. Experts believe that remote and hybrid workplace set-ups will continue to exist...

Global mobility is emerging from the shocks of the pandemic that left nobody unscathed -- workplace setups were disrupted; talent demands skyrocketed; mental health observed. The pandemic has definitely pushed the global mobility industry to find ways to keep up with these drastic changes. Currently, the...

As the pace of technological advancement becomes increasingly faster, the organization-wide focus on forward-looking mindsets has been the clear-cut strategy in tackling this phenomenon in businesses.  While prominent institutions are using everything in their arsenal to gain the ability to predict business outcomes, there is a...