24 Sep Global Mobility Specialists Need to Invest in Reliable Database of Talents
Organizations that can allocate the necessary resources and executive commitment to lay out global mobility strategies are ensuring their future.
As the quality of talent is one of the major factors that can influence a company’s rise, stagnation, or demise, a program that relocates the cream of the crop to more challenging frontiers will attract the achievers and the ambitious.
At the same time, by expanding recruitment to other countries and regions, it is in the position of forming future leaders with a more global perspective. Hence, develop their loyalty and strengthen their morale, and the organization has a greater chance of building a healthy pipeline of talent that can fill its ranks in the foreseeable future.
According to one study seasoned executives and upcoming millennials alike would be open to working in other countries. Some see it as a promotion, others an adventure; regardless of their reasons, an international destination in one’s resume can jack up one’s credentials.
The countries where they would prefer to work and live are as follows in descending order: the U.S.A, U.K, Canada, Australia, Germany. When it comes to cities, many would like a chance to be assigned to London, New York, Singapore Paris, and Sydney.
Talents who become assignees become more motivated to stay within the organization and perform on peak levels to get more plum assignments. They also build strong networks with colleagues from different industries in their host countries.
A solid global mobility program that trains leaders and move them up a succession plan is on its way to ensuring a solid chain of command in the near future. Take the case of IBM which amassed a database of global talent for the past 20 years. To date, this HR manager’s dream machine contains 40,000 profiles from its various branches in other countries.
It is about time that decision-makers see global mobility programs as investments, not a cost center. By attracting the more intrepid, dynamic members of the workforce from places as diverse as London, California, New York, and New Delhi, they are also setting themselves up as an employer of choice.