25 Aug Feet-friendly San Mateo: Where people lead a healthy lifestyle
All that exercise and clean living are bound to pay off. Eighty percent of the residents of San Mateo, California have healthy weight, 85 percent engage in physical activities, and 90 percent do not smoke. Healthiness and happiness are closely related. A healthy person can fight off stress and the blues. He can find ways to be happy. He will find it easy to be friendly, warm, and welcoming.
That’s why visitors, tourists, and new relocators to San Mateo say that the place immediately makes them feel welcome. That’s the first thing they notice. The next is the healthy lifestyle that most of the residents have adopted and enjoy. That’s why they keep coming back to this clean, warm suburb nestled between the San Francisco Bay Area and Palo Alto.
The friendly atmosphere comes from a deep-rooted sense of pride in their heritage, which is complemented by an acceptance and respect of diverse cultures. San Mateo is one of the first towns to be built in Northern California, fueled by ‘old money’ of the dignified aristocrats who gave back to the community. Immigrants from many countries also built it with their talent and their sweat, finding a home without relinquishing their cherished ethnic traditions. Stroll around San Mateo and you can see this mix of classy traditional neighborhoods complemented by modern elegant homes with state-of-the-art amenities.
The bustling downtown is a major attraction because of its exotic shops and multi-cultural restaurants. Sports buffs who like their usual beer-and-burger meal hang out in BJ’s Brewhouse Restaurant. Asian food lovers can try out the Vietnamese meals in Saigon City. If you’re in the mood for something simpler tinged with a hint of nostalgia, then the 1960’s themed-restaurant Pilgrim’s Kitchen would be right up your alley.
Bikers, joggers, and health buffs find San Mateo an ideal place where they can work out and keep fit. The San Francisco Bay Area is only ten minutes away if you want to breathe clean air while watching an awesome sunrise. There are half a dozen nature trails you can choose from if you want to reconnect with planet Earth: Redwood Shores with its natural marshlands, the kid-friendly Laurelwood Park, and the Sugarloaf Natural Area which takes you right to the top of the mountain which offers a breathtaking view of San Mateo and San Francisco.