
Why Wellness Programs are Needed in a More Global Mobility Workplace

Health and wellness programs are no longer an option for the 21st century workplace. They are becoming a must, given that young employees themselves are experiencing medical conditions that are decreasing their productivity and hampering their motivation.

Cardiovascular illnesses, chronic fatigue, depression, and other effects of a stressful working life are no longer confined to the Baby Boomers and the senior executives. Millennials are beginning to experience them as well.

Global mobility managers, like their human resource colleagues, are beginning to recognize that health and wellness programs can and do act as a preventive measure against these debilitating developments.

At the very least, they are an incentive that can stop the rise of diabetes, the weakening of a heart, the lack of mental focus, possibly saving the company and the assignee thousands of dollars in medical insurance costs later.

Global mobility managers might have to take the lead in pushing for wellness programs, as according to The Chief Executive, many CEOs themselves are either detached or disinterested in the situation.

They are unaware or choose to be uninformed of the alarming reality that many of their employees lack exercise, sleep less hours, and eat the wrong diet. As a result, many of them suffer burnout and cannot handle the pressures of the job.

Their well-being is very low, which should be addressed by a wellness program. Without one, their performance will be affected. Soon enough, casualties will surface in the form of absenteeism, poor turnout in the work, deteriorating morale, inability to work with the team, and inability to respond to customer demands.

Multiply one employee with low well-being by at least ten, and the company will find itself being derailed by a disengaged workforce. In a few months’ time, expect sales to drop and customers to dwindle.

This is where wellness programs come in. Entrepreneur points out the positive consequences of having and implementing one. Staff and assignees will be more motivated to report to work, thereby lessening absenteeism. Their sharp mental skills, high energy, and motivated spirit will empower them to turn in sterling performances. The whole team can evolve into becoming a powerhouse team that delivers spectacularly on the job.

The risks of contracting illnesses that can cause absences or slow down performances will be reduced. With less and less employees going to the corporate clinic or the hospital, the company will end up paying less for medical insurance in the long run.

What makes a lifestyle and wellness program is that it digs deep into the emotional and physical well-being of the assignee. Before addressing medical conditions like a weak heart, it can check how the assignee is living their life.

Are they working on the weekends, or enjoying a more balanced lifestyle like the norm in Northern California? Do they spend enough time with their family? Are they eating healthy foods? If they are challenged to exercise on the job, can a gym sponsorship help? Are they handling the pressures on the job more than adequately? Do they have a support group?

A more specific lifestyle program can address issues that affect assignees. Global mobility managers can check if the adjustment of working in a foreign country is adding more stress to the assignee’s life. Has the assignee found new friends in his new workplace, or is his current loneliness leading to an emerging depression?

Do they feel comfortable dining on the dishes that are present in their new region of employment, or do they prefer food that is aligned more with their cultural backgrounds? What kind of exercise is most suitable for their physicality, as determined by their ethnicity and foreign background:  would they prefer swimming on the beach every weekend, as opposed to a lonely mountain hike?

If answered correctly, the global mobility manager can spot issues that he can address immediately. With a little support from management, their assignee need not fall into the trap of burnout, unmanageable stress, and demotivation. A lifestyle program can create a lifestyle that is healthy, productive, and happy.